This is an implementation of the procedure described on ai-junkie.

The full code is available here.

You’ll note the code is fairly functional and peppered with assert after each function. This was to provide quick feedback and convince myself functions were more or less working as expected.

Encoding the genes

This is relatively straight forward - the key thing to note is that we don’t need a full encoding. This means that if a gene mutates to 0xf it will be invalid. As we’ll see later it will also mean the chromosome carryingn that gene won’t survive to the next round.

      '0':  0x0,
      '1':  0x1,
      '2':  0x2,
      '3':  0x3,
      '4':  0x4,
      '5':  0x5,
      '6':  0x6,
      '7':  0x7,
      '8':  0x8,
      '9':  0x9,
      '+':  0xa,
      '-':  0xb,
      '*':  0xc,
      '/':  0xd,

For our particular case a chromosome will be represented as a sequence of 5 genes - so 1+1/4 would be 0x1a1d4.

Extracting genes

Extracting genes is akin to applying a 4-bit mask (the size of a single gene).

    def extract(chromosome):
      genes = []
      m = 2**GENE_LENGTH - 1 # what we'll use to mask our genes
      for i in range(CHROMOSOME_LENGTH):
        # we want to extract each group of GENE_LENGTH bits from the chromosone
        mask = m << i*GENE_LENGTH
        gene = (chromosome & mask) >> i*GENE_LENGTH
      genes.reverse() # as we went from right to left
      return genes
    assert extract(0x43ae2) == [4,3,10,14,2] 

Worked example

Let chromosome = 0x43ae2. We generate the first mask by bitshifting 0xf, or 0b1111 by 0. This means chromosome & mask = 0x43ae2 & 0x0000f = 0x2. For the second mask we bitshift 0xf by 4 - so 0xf0. We then have chromosome & mask = 0x43ae2 & 0x000f0 = 0xe0. We need to bitshift this to the right by 4, leading to 0xe - and continue until we isolate each group of 4 bits.

Decoding genes

Decoding is just mapping the encoding to the actual genes:

    def decode(chromosome):
      # there's a chance the gene encoding does not match anything we know, like 0xf
      genes = extract(chromosome)
      return [ENCODING_TO_GENES.get(gene, None) for gene in genes]

A chromosome is only valid if all the genes themselves are valid and in the right place. This means we need the genes are positions 2 and 4 to be operators, not numbers. We can probably relax this a little, but it makes it easier to comprehend.

    def validate(genes):
      # we assume num, op, num, op, num
      m = False
      for gene in genes:
        if m:
          if gene not in ['+','-','*','/']:
            return False
          m = False
          if gene not in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0']:
            return False
          m = True
      return True # we have a valid sequence
    assert validate(['+']) == False
    assert validate(['0','/','3','+','1']) == True


The crossover step takes two chromosomes and an index, and swaps parts between them. Namely new_a = a[:idx] + b[idx:] and new_b = b[:idx] + a[idx:]. Given we’re using bits, we’re using masks again.

Python’s ~ operator is not the ‘not’ some people are used to - it’s actually 2’s complement. To get the actual not (e.g. ~0xf0 -> 0x0f) we need to mask it with 0xfffff.

It’s also a bit of a shame that we’re reading genes from left to right when their binary representation really works from right to left. It’d probably make the code a little neater if we could read them the other way around.

    def crossover(a, b, gene_number):
      # we're counting genes from left to right
      mask_swapped = 2**(GENE_LENGTH*(CHROMOSOME_LENGTH-gene_number))-1
      mask_notswapped = ~mask_swapped & 2**(CHROMOSOME_LENGTH*GENE_LENGTH)-1
      new_a = (a & mask_notswapped) ^ (b & mask_swapped)
      new_b = (b & mask_notswapped) ^ (a & mask_swapped)
      return (new_a, new_b)
    assert crossover(0x10001,0x01010,3) == (0x10010,0x01001)
    assert crossover(0x54321,0x12345,4) == (0x54325,0x12341)
    assert crossover(0x54321,0x12345,3) == (0x54345,0x12321)

Worked example

Let’s work through the last assert - namely a = 0x54321, b = 0x12345 and gene_number=3.

mask_swapped = 0x000ff with the leading zeroes added for clarity, and mask_notswapped = 0xfff00 (c.f. comment about 2’s complement). Then a & mask_notswapped = 0x54300 and b & mask_swapped = 0x00045. XOR’ing just means adding the two together - leading to 0x54245.


This step is straight forward - we toggle bits on and off (using XOR) based on probabilities drawn from a uniform distribution and being less than mutation_rate.

    def mutate(chromosome, probabilities, mutation_rate):
      # probabilities is an array of uniform(0,1) probabilities
      for idx, p in enumerate(probabilities):
        if p < mutation_rate:
          mask = 1 << (CHROMOSOME_LENGTH*GENE_LENGTH-idx-1) # ugly - maybe we should always index from the right
          chromosome ^= mask
      return chromosome
    assert mutate(0x30100,[1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0],0.5) == 0x20101

I could have had the method just take the mutation rate but I wanted it to give the same output given the same inputs (which is harder to do if I generate the probabilities internally).

The first population

Creating the initial population in a meaningful way was a little harder than I thought. I first thought I’d just need to randomly generate integers in the (0,2**5*4) range. Instead I opted to generate each gene individually as it makes it easier to reason about what the initial population will look like. We also ensure the chromosomes generated are valid - otherwise they’d be discarded in the first iteration.

    def create_initial_population(population_size):
      chromosomes = []
      for i in range(population_size):
        # we generate each gene separately
        chromosome = 0
        while not validate(decode(chromosome)):
          chromsome = 0
          for g in range(CHROMOSOME_LENGTH):
            gene = random.randint(0,2**GENE_LENGTH-1) # so GENE_LENGTH bits
            chromosome ^= gene << g*GENE_LENGTH
        chromosomes.append( chromosome )
      return chromosomes
    assert len(create_initial_population(20)) == 20

Chromosome selection

In each iteration we’ll need to select a pair of chromosomes. However not all chromosomes are equal - some are ‘fitter’ than others and should therefore have a higher probability of being selected.

I take no credit for the below - this was taken from SO : )

    def weighted_random_choice(chromosomes):
      total_fitness = sum( for c in chromosomes)
      pick = random.uniform(0, total_fitness)
      curr = 0
      for c in chromosomes:
        curr +=
        if curr >= pick:
          return c
      raise Exception('that should never happen! {0} {1}'.format(total_fitness, pick))

To understand why this works, picture a series of rectangles next to each other. A ‘fit’ chromosome might have a rectangle of width 10 whereas an unfit one might have a width of just 2. Putting those two next to each other we have a rectangle of width 12. When generating a number between 0 and 12, there’s a 10:2 chance that the number generated will fall within the boundary of the first rectangle.

Note this only works if fitness is positive (woops).

Putting it all together

The steps are then as below:

  • generate the initial population and evaluate the fitness of each chromosome
  • create a new (empty) population
  • pick 2 chromosomes from the existing population, proportionally to their fitness
  • decide whether to cross them over
  • mutate each based on the mutation rate
  • add them into the new population, replacing your initial population
  • lather, rinse repeat

If an exact solution hasn’t been found, you can then grab the chromosomes with the highest fitness to find the best approxmation.

Check out the run method in this module for an actual implementation.


This was actually very informative. Conceptually it’s rather simple - though getting a decent fitness function, along with tuning the parameters (like mutation rate, number of rounds etc…) can be hard to get right.