Debugging Python programs

There are many IDEs out there that make it a breeze to debug python. But one day you might find yourself in a situtation where you do not have access to this fancy IDE of yours, and you’re trying to debug a program from the interpreter.

In a file named, have the following toy function:

    def print_list(l):
      for it in l:
        print l

Now let’s run this with an argument which is not iterable (like an integer):

    >>> import crash
    >>> crash.print_list(1)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "", line 2, in print_list
        for it in l:
    TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

Okay - so it crashes as expected. Let’s debug!

    > /tmp/
    -> for it in l:
    (Pdb) a
    l = 1

a shows the local variables - here we clearly see l is set to 1. But what if we wanted to step through? Well we can’t quite do that once the program has been terminated so let’s re-run it with pdb from the start.

    > <string>(1)<module>()

We’re now at the very top of the program. Before continuing, let’s set a breakpoint on the for statement:

    (Pdb) b crash:2
    Breakpoint 1 at /tmp/
    (Pdb) c
    > /tmp/
    -> for it in l:
    (Pdb) print type(l)
    <type 'int'>
    (Pdb) l
      1     def print_list(l):
      2 B->   for it in l:
      3         print it

We can set we hit the breakpoint (denoted by ‘B’), and we use l to list the current source. Now that we’re in a debug session, let’s make l an actual list.

    (Pdb) l=[1,2,3,4]
    *** Error in argument: '=[1,2,3,4]'

Right that was cheeky - pdb interprets l as the list command. We need to explicitly tell pdb it’s a python command, and we do that by prefixing it with !. And we continue execution

    (Pdb) !l=[1,2,3,4]
    (Pdb) c
    > /tmp/
    -> for it in l:

Press c to continue stepping through this, or cl to clear all breakpoints and r to resume execution.

This only touches the surface and there’s much more pdb can do. We’ve been spoilt by GUI-based debuggers and you’ll probably never need the above. But one day it just might get you out of an undesireable situation ^_^